“The Masterpiece of Death: The Perception of Separation”

I’m usually pretty good about writing regularly however my dear friend suddenly, three weeks ago - my best and fav neighbor - died. I fortunately was home and able to be with her through the process. I have to say she did it ‘right.’  She created a heart attack that was a fairly fast and efficient exit. “Way to go Girlfriend. Way to do it well.”  It’s been an emotional whirlwind subsequently. I now have her Havanese dog with me to add to my menagerie, a reminder of her wonderful, constant friendship.863F457E-4EF7-4DEC-8499-DB255B0A5B52Death is an interesting portal. We humans have been so fear based and stuck in ideologies, religious dogmas and beliefs, we live our lives running from the devil. A great example of this is a friend of mine’s mother-in-law, a cantankerous woman for most of her life, lived 13 days, yes count them, without food or water before finally succumbing to her final breath. I’m sure she wasn’t ready to face her worst fears of having to look at herself up front and personal for her behaviors. Now that is honest fear, when we truly madly deeply have to look within ourselves, dive down into our emotional landscapes. Are/were we good people? Did we live up to our best potential? Were we kind to others? Did we live in fear or love? Did we use people for our own gains, our own gratifications?  Were we self serving, self focused? Were we of service to others? I believe this is the first door we open after leaving our bodies once we acclimate to our new/old surroundings again, the door into self/soul analysis, awareness and realization. We get to see the results of every action, every thought we have had.

Think twice, maybe three times, feel with our hearts before speaking, before taking action. This has the potential to change our worlds.

The reason we created this portal, this interior soul mirror, is we want to know what our pitfalls were, our successes, and what we are able to retain for future incarnations and experiences. We created this scenario. It’s ours to embrace.“So Buck-Up little Campers and let’s get our shit together while we are on the planet!!!’But through another lens perhaps she signed up, my friend’s mother-in-law, for that role: the major bitch on steroids. Maybe she raised her hand before entry and said, “Okay I’ll play that part, the Erica Kane role, no one else wants.”  Every story has it’s protagonist, it’s antagonist. We need contrast to grow and expand. That’s why we choose hopping onboard the earth-train to experience shadows, depth, hue, contouring and contrast. We create our best masterpieces this way. Just think what Rembrandt would’ve painted without those colors, the blacks and the grays, in his palette? There would’ve been no way to capture the light without the darkness, no masterpieces in his repertoire?F3AB0C98-1A62-40C8-B8E2-64703409ABB8The masterpiece of death brings us back to life. And LIFE is a masterpiece in the works. In my view there is no death just transition. It’s our perception of separation that creates fear of isolation. We play that out in our relationships as well. Fear of isolation and separation. We just need to remember we are all connected. My mirror is yours. Yours is mine. Death is life, Life is Death. Its just a different frequency. It’s all ONE. One continuous ever-expanding journey of awareness, allowing, growing, improving, choosing what we desire rather than focusing on what we do not. It is a gift, this body, this life. Enjoy it. Maximize it. All we need to do is reach out and touch the sky, feel the wind on our faces, hug someone, smile at those in need. Find the joy in something daily.  Then death is just a doorway into the next vast adventure. Cosmic sunshine to you.For Cheryl. My dear friend.candiasanders.com