“Sharing My Favorite Resources for a Healthy, Vital You”

Through decades of doing my Medical Intuitive work I have discovered a resource guide of great products. I am happy to share my go-to gems I know do the trick. Here are a few key products and the places you can access them. 1. Soothanol: From Northstar Nutritionals. An awesome mix of essential oil’s, capsicum and positive juju to help with muscle and joint aches caused from stress, injuries, and from new Autumn exercise regimens awakening those muscles. northstarnutritionals2. Livaplex: Standard Process. It’s a great support for our livers. Just a heads up, but everyone’s and I mean everyone’s liver meridian shows up in a session. Supporting the liver is a wonderful way to start a new fall healthy program. Amazon.3.  Ligatend: Standard Process. For injuries with ligaments. They heal incredibly slowly; Ligatend expedites and supports the process. Amazon4.  MultiMinerals: Pure Encapsulations: Mineral 650 and 950. Everyone needs minerals.  Amazon.5.  Fish Oil: Willy’s has capsules that are actually swallowable. You can find them at Whole Foods, Amazon.6.  Chlorella: a natural chemical chelator and cellular support. Dr Mercola has great organic bags. Amazon, WF’s, Fred Meyer’s as well, and most natural food stores.7.  Vitamin C: so simple right? My Kind is easy to carry daily in a pocket, purse or car for quick access. It’s good for immune and fighting off stress. Super for adrenal glands. Amazon, Natural Grocers, WF’s, Fred Meyers etc.8. Ashwagandha tincture or capsules for stress and adrenal support. The Herb Pharm is a great resource. Amazon, WF’s, New Seasons, Fred Meyers and health food stores.9. Somaderm Gel: a homeopathic transdermal gel with homeopathic thyroid and adrenal support, immune support, as well as HGH human growth hormone to promote youthful vitality, health. Supports improved sleep, adrenal support, thyroid, is great for aiding healing of injuries and arthritis, libido, etc etc etc and has been helpful with Lymes’ and autoimmune challenges. Incredible results. I’ve been on it now for six months. I’m quite religious about my routine. If you are interested in learning more and trying for yourself, contact me and we will get you going on it. It’s a foundational product that grows upon itself the longer it’s used. I’m convinced this is one of the new super products becoming available on the market. 10.  The Fitness Trampoline by Jump Sport. Best mini tramp available. Costco, Amazon. Great all around health benefits not-too-mention fun and totally doable in winter months.  Super for strength, cardiovascular, and lymphatics. Start the day with healthy foods, supplements, a five-to-twenty minute positive head clearing and away you go. Add in exercise daily when it works for you. (I jump at night as an example) Make the time. You are worth it. Please read my last blog, “My Body, My Avatar” for more insights.Consider a 15 minute body/mind healthy realignment tune-up regularly to keep your engines flowing happily. Think about a Food Reading for optimal mind/body/food frequency alignment. Each of us is unique. Getting exactly what your body needs is golden. 2A2C4CF5-E8A3-4C4C-B2F0-8EDF82F9591CThe important thing to always remember is everything starts and ends with you. You’re in complete charge of your choices. Every single moment, with clear specific mindfulness, you are given options. Now is the time to fully embrace this concept and be, think and act with your best and highest outcome always within your vision.Cosmic sunshine to you. Contact me for information. candiasanders.com