“Mental Intercourse: Emotional Orgasm”

So...What turns you on? Seriously.  Yes I’m talking about sex though really not exclusively. I’m talking what seriously curls your toes? Makes you excited to get up in the morning, you can’t stop thinking about it?  Becomes the focal point of your thoughts? Is it love? Or..? Or other ideas and creations you’re passionate about? Passion is critically important to your overall feeling of value, of purpose in the world. It makes you feel alive. But today’s passionate topic is a brief exploration of sexual foreplay.

Sex ironically is what makes the world go round and is the basic creative element underlying the explosion of life on earth. It’s worth exploring the passionate side of it, what motivates the senses. 

Everyone is different of course.  Passion, the Stimulation that gets our mojo flowing, can come in many packages. It’s amazing though how many don’t know what it is, what passion means. Too many things have swept it under the rug. And I’m talking way beyond the typical, mostly male response of, “I just want to fuck her,” stimulation, that quick gratification. Is that really passion anyway or something more base?  It’s a compliment but also boorish. I’m talking honest intensity and passion that have the potential to be more than fleeting, based on something beyond lust. It’s this “something” that turns up the endorphins, kicks in the pheromones. It also turns on the love juices.Personally, it’s mental stimulation, a fantastic enticing intriguing informative fast- moving alluring conversation, a charismatic debate, a sizzling discourse between people where ideas are literally bouncing off the ceiling, jumping off the floor, falling out of photographs on the wall. Innuendoes, double entendres, seductive word graphology.  It’s the creative process of melding provocative facts and sensuous ideas, manifesting magnetic concepts and richly interactive-electrical-connectivity. This chemistry seduces the mind. It feels like the intoxicating effects of a bottle of dark sultry whiskey. That smooth husky warm sensation heating the interior of my sensual mind. It’s like lighting a pheromone match inside my being. Mental intensity and fiery flirtation combine. Temperatures rise, laughter deepens. Mental intercourse.Ironically intercourse is a synonym of conversation. So perfectly matched.F71426F3-E8BA-4DBA-951B-D9914CBE395FBecause let’s face it. Sex is a mental game first. Why do you think so many women don’t have orgasms? Their mind-love juices aren’t stimulated. Sorry guys. It’s true. About 75 percent of all women never reach orgasm from intercourse alone -- that is without the extra help of sex toys, hands or tongue. And 10 to 15 percent never climax under any circumstances.”D291D838-E4CE-4812-B679-2016BFEE03EDMental intercourse goes way beyond the bedroom. When two people make the concerted effort to stay mentally stimulated for themselves and then with each other, the percentages rise considerably on the connectivity scale. The longevity yardstick. That stimulation has far-reaching tendrils of confidence and independence enhancing the relationship even further.Bonus material is when a woman’s mind is stimulated, where she feels valued and appreciated is when the emotional orgasm hits a home run into the outer fields of true love making. The fireworks go from the head to the heart. (See last blog on “The Age of Aquarius: The Magnificent Head and Heart Combo-Dance. It’s Begun.” That’s a macro view, this is the micro on the same topic seen through a different lens.)95AB5233-9546-4185-A8CF-C39A3C2A9BC7This is what we aspire - to be more passionately aware, to be who we are capable of being, to reveal unabashedly our emotionally raw interiors. Be in our hearts. True Intimacy. Have our relationships mirror our strengths and weaknesses, ignite our passions, speak to our interior selves and connect us to the creative cosmos within our souls. This is the magical alchemical union fairytales are written about and most crave.And that is why mental intercourse for me is a doorway, a portal into vast passionate corridors.For you, your doorway could be something different. The key may be put away, hidden somewhere within your psyche, however it’s always there. Find it. Reach for your passions. They make the differences in feeling truly valued and alive. Cosmic sunshine to you.☀️ candiasanders.com